Discover our landscapes


The discovery trail

Bicycle tour

Meet Our Executive Chef

The discovery trail

Take a stroll in the vineyard and have a feel for our landscapes. There are signs along the trail, explaining the story of our wines – linked to the terroir, but also the fauna and flora, but also geology, architecture, history and archeology with a Roman ruin in the vines.

Access is free, on our the paths is accessible with a stroller or a wheelchair. Map and description available at the estate.

Guided tours with an ornithologist can be organized on reservation, with an extra fee.


Meet Our Executive Chef


For a larger tour of our countryside, a bicycle tour map (in French and English) and bicycles (prior reservation required) are available. Rent a bike or chose for a guided bike tour with Bike Provence Découverte.

Reservation at :
David 06 60 36 52 93

Technicycles at

Nous sommes également labellisés « Accueil vélo », n’hésitez pas à consulter la carte ci-dessous pour construire votre itinéraire sur la Viarhona ou la Méditerranée à vélo et en profiter pour passer nous voir !